Configure Windows 11 Start Menu folders using PowerShell
One of my favorite features in Windows 11 is the folders we can enable on the Start Menu. They are discrete and easy to access. Unfortunately, the Start Menu folders are not enabled by default which I would very much approve if they were! These are the folders we are talking about.
They can manually be turned on in Settings > Personalization > Start > Folders as shown below.
We can however enable them using CSP in Windows 11 but there is no way of doing it using Group Policy or registry settings. More information on the CSP can be found here: Policy CSP – Start – Windows Client Management | Microsoft Docs
What we can do is use the MDM WMI Bridge provider to set these settings using PowerShell.
MVP Peter van der Woude has created a great PowerShell script template which can be found here:
Windows 10 MDM Bridge WMI Provider: Settings template – All about Microsoft Endpoint Manager ( Great work and a real timesaver.
I use the script during OSD to enable the Start Menu folders. They are turned on by the script but the end-user can not turn it off it the like that is the downside. However it does not take up any estate that can be used for anything else so I think it is fine. If the end-user tries to change the values they are greyed out as shown below.
Task Sequence step
I run the script during OSD in my Windows 11 branding group as shown below the script accepts variables for each setting that should be enabled.
The following variables can be used:
Here is sample screenshot of the step I use in my Task Sequence:
The script is written by my great co-worker Sassan Fanai!
It can also be downloaded from GitHub: MEMCM-OSD-Scripts/Windows11 at master · Ccmexec/MEMCM-OSD-Scripts · GitHub
Uses MDM Bridge Provider to configure pinned folders next to the Power button in Windows 11 start menu.
Configures the pinned folder next to the Power button in Windows 11 using the MDM Bridge Provider.
The configured pinned folders will be enforced and can not be disabled by the user (grayed out).
Credit to Peter van der Woude for his great template for updating MDM policy settings:
Version 1.0 (2021-10-11) - Sassan Fanai
param (
function Update-PolicySetting {
A simple function to update policy settings by using MDM WMI Bridge
This function provides the capability to adjust policy settings by using the MDM WMI Bridge.
It supports the capabilities to create, update and remove an instance
.PARAMETER className
This parameter is required for the name of the WMI class
This parameter is required for the name of the parent node of the OMA-URI
This parameter is required for the name of the WMI instance, which is the node of the OMA-URI
.PARAMETER configureProperty
This parameter is required when configuring a setting and is the name of the property
.PARAMETER valueProperty
This parameter is required when configuring a setting and is the value of the property
.PARAMETER removeInstance
This switch is used to indicate that the specified variables are used for deleting the WMI instance
Update-PolicySetting -className 'MDM_Policy_Config01_Start02' -parentID './Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config' -instanceID 'Start' -configureProperty 'HideAppList' -valueProperty 1
This example will run the function and configure a the property to hide the app list in Start
Update-PolicySetting -className 'MDM_Policy_Config01_Start02' -parentID './Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config' -instanceID 'Start' -removeInstance
This example will run the function and remove the instance of Start
Author: Peter van der Woude
param (
try {
#Get a specific instance
$instanceObject = Get-CimInstance -Namespace 'root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap' -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID='$parentID' and InstanceID='$instanceID'" -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Host $_ | Out-String
#Verify the action
if ($removeInstance -eq $false) {
#Verify if the additional required parameters are provided
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('configureProperty') -and ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('valueProperty'))) {
#Verify if the instance already exists
if ($null -eq $instanceObject) {
try {
#Create a new instance
New-CimInstance -Namespace 'root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap' -ClassName $className -Property @{ InstanceID=$instanceID; ParentID=$parentID; $configureProperty=$valueProperty } -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Successfully created the instance of '$instanceID'"
catch {
Write-Host $_ | Out-String
else {
try {
#Adjust a specific property
$instanceObject.$configureProperty = $valueProperty
#Modify an existing instance
Set-CimInstance -CimInstance $instanceObject -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Successfully adjusted the instance of '$instanceID'"
catch {
Write-Host $_ | Out-String
else {
Write-Output ">> Make sure to provide a value for configureProperty and valueProperty when creating or adjusting an instance <<"
elseif ($removeInstance -eq $true) {
#Verify if the instance already exists
if ($null -ne $instanceObject) {
try {
#Remove a specific instance
Remove-CimInstance -InputObject $instanceObject -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Successfully removed the instance of '$instanceID'"
catch {
Write-Host $_ | Out-String
else {
Write-Output "No instance available of '$instanceID'"
if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys.Count -ge 1) {
$PSBoundParameters.Keys | ForEach-Object {
Update-PolicySetting -className 'MDM_Policy_Config01_Start02' -parentID './Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config' -instanceID 'Start' -configureProperty $PSitem -valueProperty 1
else {
"No folders will be pinned. No parameters were specified."