Security Incident Response

If you think you have or know you have a Security Incident please fill in the form and our experienced Onevinn CSIRT team will reach out shortly.
The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
Keep calm and we will be with you shortly!

Jörgen Nilsson 06 Oct 2020

Deploy a Windows 10 multi-app kiosk with MEMCM and PowerShell – 4Sysops

I wrote a post on how to use Autologon.exe and PowerShell, thanks Johan Schrewelius, to make Autologin in Windows 10 a little bit more secure a while ago.
Taking this one step further I wrote a blogpost for on how to configure a multiapp Kiosk where that script is used as part of the solution to configure a multiapp Kiosk.

Multiapp Kiosk

I hope you find the script/solution useful!