Security Incident Response

If you think you have or know you have a Security Incident please fill in the form and our experienced Onevinn CSIRT team will reach out shortly.
The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
Keep calm and we will be with you shortly!

Jörgen Nilsson 25 Apr 2022
1 min

Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuration Manager 2203 released with great features

MEMCM 2203 has been released with some great features that I need to write about. Must be one of the releases that includes most the top request features like Escrow BitLocker Recovery Key to MEMCM in a Task Sequence, Dark Mode! and Icons for Task Sequences and packages.

Escrow BitLocker Recovery Key to MEMCM in a Task Sequence

This has been a gap ever since the MBAM standalone features was assimilated in MEMCM. We used a script before which is no longer supported and caused an issue as well if use a couple of versions ago.
See screenshot from docs below,

That makes this new Task Sequence step a great addition!

Enable BitLocker step in MEMMC 2203

Dark Mode

Dark Mode is a highly requested feature to quote a colleague “Wow I no longer need sunglasses when working in the CM console” It is a pre-release features that needs to be activated before it can be used.

Enable Dark Mode


Dark Mode in action

Icons for Task Sequences and packages

This must also be one of the most requested features out there all time! Icons for Task Sequences and Packages. Finally a more user friendly experience!

Icon for Packages
Icons for Task Sequence

Run script and Client Notification from Deployment Status

These types of updates are my personal favorite, the small ones that makes a big impact. Being able to run script and client notification actions from deployment status is a huge time saver. Love it!

Actions in Deployment Status.

Management Insights : Deprecated and unsupported features.

Most likely one of the feature in MEMCM that is most underestimated. Great insights in cleanup and making your site perform optimal, now with a new category which shows status for deprecated and unsupported features as shown below. A great help in what cleanup needs to be done!

New Management Insights

Run script in temporary device node

When using temporary device nodes, device actions like Run Scripts are now available to make the experience in the console consistent. Again one of those smaller improvements which has makes it possible to run script in temporary nodes which has been annoying that it wasn’t possible.

Run script

Delete collection references 

When deleting a collection we now can select all dependent collections and delete them. I will use this with caution but it is a great improvement.

There are many more great features. Check out the complete documentation at docs

Truly great work by the Configuration Manager team, closing some of the top requested features!!