Security Incident Response

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The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
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Olov Norman 30 Mar 2021
2 min

Microsoft Cloud Design for Public Sector

Microsoft is launching the next step in making it easier for the public sector in Sweden to move to the cloud safely. Today, the Microsoft Cloud Design for Public Sector (Microsoft Moln Design, MSMD in Swedish) package is expanded with the compilation of tools, blueprints, policies, reports, and trainings for the use of Microsoft 365 in the public sector in Sweden. With today's launch, a framework is now in place that covers both Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365. Onevinn is one of few partners that delivers the workshops for both Azure and Microsoft 365.

Cloud Design
There is a clear need for the public sector to digitize faster, including by moving data to the cloud. But at the same time, concerns and ambiguities about how to relate to data being stored in cloud services can slow down digitalization.

"Storing data in the cloud is usually safer, more environmentally friendly and more cost-effective than other options. Unfortunately, in Sweden, the digitization of the public sector has fallen behind due to discussions about how and when cloud services can be used. Mainly, the discussions are about different actors who make different interpretations of laws such as OSL and GDPR. Through the local Microsoft Cloud Design initiative for the Public Sector, we want to facilitate the use of cloud services in the public sector."
Says Daniel Akenine, National Technology Manager at Microsoft Sweden.

Microsoft Cloud Design for Azure and Microsoft 365 are specifically aimed at those who need to comply with the regulations, requirements, and laws that apply to the public sector in Sweden.
The design is designed to create a cloud environment for IT services with very high cyber security, without sacrificing functionality, while providing a number of tools to help comply with regulations and laws such as GDPR, OSL and the Security Protection Act.

How MSMD Microsoft 365 helps the public sector enforce GDPR

1. Microsoft Secure Score & Security Compliance Toolkit, supports configuration, measurement, and follow-up to ensure adequate levels of protection for personal data.

2. Compliance Manager simplifies compliance work by translating regulatory requirements into concrete actions and providing a measurable measure of compliance.

3. The E-Discovery & Data Subject Request enables to respond to requests for access, rectification, deletion and export of personal data.

4. Microsoft Information Protection allows organizations to rate and control access to information in Microsoft 365.

5. The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) template facilitates the work of making a DPIA if deemed necessary.


How MSMD Microsoft 365 helps the public sector maintain OSL, in addition to all parts included linked to GDPR, it also includes:

1. Office 365 Customer Lockbox (additional costs may apply) that introduces an additional privacy review step before anyone can be given access to customer data during support.

2. Double Key Encryption (or equivalent) that prevents access to customer data for anyone who doesn't have access to the encryption keys, including Microsoft.


How MSMD Microsoft 365 helps the public sector enforce the Security Protection Act when used in addition to components described in the sections above regarding GDPR and OSL, Microsoft offers:

1. Hybrid connection between Microsoft 365, Exchange, and an on-premises SharePoint that allows information rated higher than what is allowed to store in Microsoft's cloud can be saved locally.

2. Additional features such as Microsoft Information Protection, Cloud App Security, and Data Loss Prevention help enforce decided rules around how data can be stored.


For those who want to know more about how MSMD can facilitate the use of cloud services in the public sector, the virtual event: Circle of trust Microsoft Cloud Design is recommended. Registration is done here.

We at Onevinn will have a follow up webinar on the 16 of April at 10:00 about cloud design and how to combin the cloud design for both Azure and Microsoft 365 to be able to let you get the full picture of the complete design going forward, sign up using the link below:

Onevinn Cloud design for Azure and Microsoft 365

Sign up for the webinar on the 16 of April at 10:00