Security Incident Response

If you think you have or know you have a Security Incident please fill in the form and our experienced Onevinn CSIRT team will reach out shortly.
The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
Keep calm and we will be with you shortly!

Samuel Eng 08 Dec 2023

Stay organized with the new Conditional Access policies filtering experience

A robust and well-built Conditional Access framework can have numerous policies. However, it can be challenging to determine the specific security controls or scoping of these policies just by their names. Or you may find it difficult to understand legacy policies configured by someone else?


SE1SE2These new capabilities gives you granular controls to filter only what you're looking for. For example, do you have any policies to cover your Workload Identities? Or how about those Sign-in frequency policies? A couple of searches can quickly show if you're using all Conditional Access capabilities. Some filters also provide All/Any controls.

Happy filtering!