Onevinn blog

Use kusto to breakdown time stamps

Written by Mattias Borg | 28 Mar 2021

Some times you might want to split the time stamp of an event into smaller pieces, like month, day, hour etc.

For instance, you might want to see if you have more alerts during some specific hours of the day or if anyone is using RDP in the middle of the night.

To achieve this we use the function datetime_part which can split the time stamp to the following parts

  • Year
  • Quarter
  • Month
  • week_of_year
  • Day
  • DayOfYear
  • Hour
  • Minute
  • Second
  • Millisecond
  • Microsecond
  • Nanosecond

This data could, of course, be used to further analysis and joined with other events.

//Sample query
| extend alerthour = datetime_part("hour", Timestamp)
| summarize count() by alerthour, DetectionSource
| sort by alerthour asc
| render areachart   

For further reading about Kusto datetime_part, please visit

