Security Incident Response

If you think you have or know you have a Security Incident please fill in the form and our experienced Onevinn CSIRT team will reach out shortly.
The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
Keep calm and we will be with you shortly!

Christopher Lindström 29 Aug 2022
1 min

Welcome Johan! Head of Cloud Security!

[Who is Johan]johan_friska
A 45 year old happy one, living south of Gothenburg with my wife and 2 kids i really like where I am in the (Azure) lifecycle.

[What background do you have]
Joined to IT business back in 1996, started with infrastructure and security and there I found my passion for helping customers with Microsoft security-based solutions. For more than 10 I worked as a CIO and then later on as a Trusted Cloud Advisor for some Azure security focused customers.

[What is your passion]
Meeting people and listen to what they have to say, that is how we together can find solutions that brings a real value for everyone. Cloud adoption framework and automation in Azure that supports customers in their cloud & transformation journey is just some of the areas where my passion and energy can be found.

[What do you do in your spare time]
Love being around family and friends doing what makes us all laugh a lot.
Food and wine are close to my heart in a great combination that is why I execute tennis as much as possible.

[What will you do at Onevinn]
I will be head of Cloud Security which is where we focus on helping our customers make their cloud journey as secure and simple as possible. We always think of security firsthand and then we design, build and implement, always with Zero Trust in mind. Governance, Landing Zones, Biceps, DevOps, Infrastructure and Network Security, is what we KNOW and DO! Onevinn Cloud Security will listen to your needs and guide you into the Cloud.

[Why Onevinn]
To get the opportunity to join Onevinn where so many MS tech driven people work and where a warm and “sharing is caring” atmosphere is presented, I am very humble and grateful to be a part of this family and I really want to say for the first time #weareonevinn