Security Incident Response

If you think you have or know you have a Security Incident please fill in the form and our experienced Onevinn CSIRT team will reach out shortly.
The team has long experience in supporting customers in Incident Response and Compromised Recovery.
Keep calm and we will be with you shortly!

Olov Norman 13 Sep 2024
3 min

Onevinn, Security and Compliance partner of the year 2024 in Sweden

Celebrating a Major Achievement:
Onevinn Wins Microsoft's Security and Compliance Partner of the Year 2024!

We are thrilled to announce that Onevinn has been named the Microsoft Security and Compliance Partner of the Year for 2024! This prestigious recognition is a testament to our commitment to delivering the highest level of security and compliance solutions across Sweden. This award reflects not only our dedication to our clients and partners but also the exceptional trust Microsoft places in our capabilities and expertise.

Driving Security Innovation with "Secure Sweden"

Over the past year, Onevinn has made significant strides in enhancing the security landscape in Sweden. At the core of our success has been the “Secure Sweden” campaign, which we spearheaded in collaboration with Microsoft. This campaign has been particularly impactful within the public sector, addressing critical security challenges and fortifying digital defenses across government entities.

By aligning closely with Microsoft’s strategic priorities, we have been able to implement innovative solutions and drive meaningful change, establishing a new benchmark for public sector security across the country.

Leading the Way in EMEA with Partner-led Engagements

Our efforts have not been confined to the public sector alone. Throughout 2024, Onevinn has been a key contributor to making Sweden one of the top-ranked countries in EMEA for successful partner-led engagements and workshops. These workshops have been instrumental in fostering a culture of security awareness and education, empowering organizations to better protect themselves against evolving threats.

We are particularly proud of our involvement in Microsoft's private preview program for Security Copilot, where we were privileged to be among the few partners selected to participate. This opportunity allowed us to explore and shape the future of security, contributing to the development of advanced security solutions that will benefit organizations globally.

Championing the Adoption of Microsoft’s Security Platform

At Onevinn, our mission is to help businesses and organizations fully leverage the power of Microsoft's comprehensive security platform. We believe in the importance of a holistic approach to security that spans the entire digital estate. Our team's deep expertise in Microsoft’s security tools and services has enabled us to drive adoption across the board, from threat protection to compliance management.

A notable achievement this year has been our work with information security around the NIS2 Directive in Sweden , where we've helped clients navigate complex regulatory requirements and enhance their resilience against cyber threats. Alongside this, our 24/7 managed security service, Onevinn MDR (Managed Detection and Response), has been instrumental in protecting our clients around the clock. With Onevinn MDR, we provide continuous monitoring, threat detection, and rapid response capabilities, ensuring that organizations are secure against even the most sophisticated attacks. This service has quickly become a cornerstone of our security offering, empowering businesses to operate with confidence in an increasingly complex threat landscape.

Committed to a safer Sweden

Winning the Security and Compliance Partner of the Year award is a significant milestone for Onevinn, but it is also a reflection of our ongoing commitment to making Sweden a safer place. As we look to the future, we remain dedicated to advancing our security capabilities, driving innovation, and continuing to work closely with Microsoft to deliver world-class security solutions.

We would like to extend our deepest thanks to our clients, partners, and the incredible team at Microsoft for this honor. Together, we have achieved something remarkable, and we are excited about the future of security in Sweden.

Award Motivation:

This partner has done lots of business in all our segments. They have successfully driven the campaign "Secure Sweden" together with us at Microsoft, which has had a great effect in the public sector.

They have also contributed to keeping Sweden top-ranked in EMEA on the list of completed partner-led engagements/workshops during the year and are one of the few who participated in the Copilot for Security private preview program. 

Last but not least, this partner drives adoption of our entire security platform in a fantastic way and helps us land NIS2 in Sweden. Their commitment and success in security and compliance have not only strengthened their own position in the market but also contributed to making Sweden safer. 

The winner of the Swedish Security and Compliance Partner of the Year 2024 is: 


We are proud of this achievement and grateful for the recognition. An big thanks Microsoft and to every customer we have for being a part of our journey toward a more secure future!